
Well, I don't really like the word "Lonely" because I got some people beside me like bestfriends, and Cyber. Yeah, Cyber is the place of loners to me. I started to play ask.fm , answered questions from I don't know who asked me but I swiped up, I swiped down, load to refresh... Kinda lonely girl. It's such a disgusting to think that I'm lonely... but I like it I mean even I'm still in your company and chat online, you reply it once an hour huh...yeah felt lonely in your company. 

Nevermind, I enjoy this loneliness and started to find people who throw my loneliness away. But still... I want more like....I want you but no, I don't beg you. So loners what the hell are you doing during your lonely time?  Chat online friends or update status? I'm sick of loneliness as hell.

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